Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Date With The Less Than Sane

So I've talked about how I want you to propose to me, but I can see you thinking. I can hear the thoughts in your head:"Who is this girl? Why should I propose when we haven't even been on a date? And how should I go about this date?" Never you fear. I will tell you all you need to know about a first date with me.

First of all, if you want an actual date you must ask at least three days in advance. I once said yes to a young man ten minutes before he picked me up, but realized later that I'm not that desperate. I don't care if I have nothing going on, advance notice is necessary. I may be spontaneous and random, but dating should have the three Ps, Planned, Paid for, and Paired off. And ten minutes before is not very well planned.

As for the activity of the first date, I don't really have any opinions. Well, that's not entirely true. I would like to do something that we will both enjoy. Because if we were meant to be we might never know if the first date doesn't go smoothly. After all first dates can't lead to second dates if I decide that you are an idiot. Therefore it is important that we do something where we can actually enjoy the company, and not be feeling awkward about the activity.

One thing that will be important to remember on this date is that if I'm uncomfortable with you I will probably not talk to you much. If I like you I might not talk much, although I have been working on that. If I find the situation awkward I will talk and talk and talk. Or laugh. Although if I'm comfortable with the situation I will talk and talk and talk as well. And laugh. The thing to remember about me is what I'm talking about. If I trust you I will talk about me. If I like you, I will try to remember to find out more about you and invite you into the conversation. If I barely met you I will let you ask the questions and will merely answer.

This is the key to understanding a date with me. Have I opened up to you? Have berated you with stories of past crushes and sisters, or did we discuss current events and issues. If the former I'm probably putting up my safety net and don't want you to get too close. Not that I won't ever trust you and let you close, just that I don't currently want to let you in. I imagine that if someone can get past my blocks they would become very close to me. But no one has ever tried before.

If you still are interesting in asking me out, please be reminded that I will need time to respond. I will most likely say yes. There are few circumstances that will merit a no. These are if I deem you creepy, which doesn't happen often. If I am currently dating someone, I will say no. I'm not going to be a two-timing cheat. Although two-timing cheat is quite amusing to say. But I digress. If you are interested in finding out more about this eccentric young women just let me know and ask me out.

Love Always,

The Less Than Sane


Anonymous said...

You have given quite a lot of thought to this, it seems.

As, as you've said, no one has tried getting past those blocks, apart from this blog, how do you make it easy on the poor guy?

Also, what types of guys are you interested in?

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